Public Meeting: Bridge Street "Complete Streets" Improvements

Salem Moose Family Center Function Hall (50 Grove Street, #218 – corner of Grove Street and Harmony Grove Road)
Event Date: 
Thursday, September 7, 2017 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

City Will Host Public Presentation and Discussion Regarding Planned “Complete Streets” Improvements to Bridge Street

On Thursday, September 7th the City of Salem will present design details and host a public discussion about planned “Complete Streets” improvements to the Bridge Street corridor, stretching from Boston Street to Flint Street.  The presentation and discussion will be held at the Salem Moose Family Center Function Hall, located at 50 Grove Street, #218 (corner of Grove Street and Harmony Grove Road) between 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Please see the attached flyer for details.


In 2014, the City of Salem enacted a “Complete Streets” Policy that commits it to designing and constructing public transportation infrastructure to provide for safety, comfort, and accessibility for all users of streets, trails, and transit  systems; this includes pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motorists, commercial vehicles, and emergency vehicles, and people of all ages, abilities, and income levels. 

In 2016 the City was awarded a $3.5 million grant from the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development’s (EOHED) MassWorks Infrastructure Program to design and implement “Complete Streets” enhancements to the Bridge Street corridor, from Boston Street to Flint Street.  The planned improvements include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Construct Bridge Street biking and sidewalk enhancements between Flint and Boston Streets to promote additional bike use and walking to and from North River Canal Corridor (NRCC) development sites and the downtown Salem MBTA Commuter Rail Station.  Design and replace the existing four-lane roadway with a three-lane “complete streets” roadway that will physically separate bicycle movements from parallel motor vehicle traffic with separated multi-use pathways on both sides of the street. Repave the segment of Bridge Street between Flint and Boston Streets including the Boston Street and Flint Street intersection approaches.  Provide new street lighting and landscaping to enhance the environment for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Replace traffic signal at the intersection of Bridge Street with Boston and Prospect Streets with a more efficient signal system. Upgrade the signal at Flint/Bridge Streets as necessary to accommodate multi-modal use.
  • Complete an incomplete shared use path programmed for implementation between Grove and Bridge Streets. The remaining 250 +/- foot segment would be constructed between 28 Goodhue Street and Bridge Street.
  • Provide better 150 +/- foot connection between Bridge Street and Leslie’s Retreat Park shared use path on Flint Street in conjunction with signal modifications to the Flint Street/Bridge Street intersection discussed above.
  • Provide median crossing for pedestrians/bicyclists with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon at the Bridge Street end of the shared use path.

Questions?  Please contact Andrew Shapiro in the Department of Planning and Community Development at 978-619-5685 or