City of Salem Offers New Email to Directly Report Parking Violations now live, in conjunction with expansion of neighborhood parking enforcement personnel

Mayor Kim Driscoll announced today that the City of Salem has set up a dedicated email address for residents to report non-emergency parking violations to Parking Department enforcement staff. Emails sent to will be used to inform enforcement routes and responses.

“We are encouraging residents to use this new account to report violations such as non-residents parking in resident only parking locations,” said Mayor Driscoll. “These violations can have an impact on residents’ quality of life and their ability to find parking near their home. This new email account will go to the Traffic and Parking Department, so they can deploy our civilian parking enforcement personnel with as direct and timely a response to the complaint as staffing allows.”

The Salem Traffic and Parking Department has added additional parking enforcement personnel this year to complement its existing staff. The new officers, including a recent addition just this month, have been tasked with neighborhood parking enforcement and, in addition to responding to requests sent to the email address, are already at work on regular enforcement routes through Salem’s neighborhoods.

Resident parking violations in Salem normally bring a $15 fine, but that amount was increased to $40 on October weekends following an ordinance change from Mayor Driscoll that was adopted in 2015.