Checklist of Required Documents

The following circled items are necessary to process your application for assistance. Not all items apply to every application; only submit those items marked. Please make sure that all applicable documents are included with your application packet to ensure a timely decision on your funding request.

  1. Completed and signed application as the front page of the packet.
  2. Completed Business Plan.
  3. Projected Financial Statements (1 year monthly projections; 2-3 yearly projections)
    1. Show use of loan
  4. Total project budget. If the project is for construction, you must include a contractor estimate that takes into account the payment of Davis-Bacon prevailing wages.
  5. Documentation from other funding sources (private investment; commercial lenders; Small Business Association; etc.) offering to fund your project together with the city loan.
  6. A list of the jobs you intend to create (with an emphasis on those jobs to be taken by low- to moderate-income individuals) with a brief description of the positions, projected salary, and the projected timeframe for hiring these positions.
  7. The lease agreement, if available.
  8. Copy of recent property appraisal(s), if available.
  9. Business References, at least three.
  10. Personal financial statements and/or tax returns of each owner/guarantor (last two years).
  11. If the business is existing, include copies of past financial statements and corporate tax returns (last two years).