Zoning Board of Appeals - June 16, 2021 Agenda

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 6:30pm


You are hereby notified that the Salem Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 6:30 pm at City Hall Annex,

First Floor Conference Room, 98 Washington Street, Salem, MA

Mike Duffy, Chair

Important Announcement:

This meeting is being scheduled as an in-person meeting as current COVID-19 protocols for remote meeting participation will end on June 15, 2021 unless extended by the Commonwealth. If such protocols are extended, this meeting may be changed to a combination in-person/remote or only remote meeting. Accordingly, you should check the City’s website (www.salem.com) and the Zoning Board of Appeal’s page (www.salem.com/zba) for any updated information on this meeting and how to access it, and if attendance protocols for it have changed to include or require remote participation.

Providing Public Comment Before the Meeting:

Members of the public can email comments before the start of the meeting to zoningboardcomments@salem.com.

Project materials are available at this link: www.tinyurl.com/SalemZBA



  1. Location:      73 Lafayette Street (Map 34, Lot 430) (B5 and ECOD Zoning Districts)
  2. North Shore Community Development Coalition, Inc.

Description: Note: The applicant has requested to continue to the regularly scheduled meeting on July 21, 2021. A continuation of a public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COALITION, INC. for a special permit per Section 3.1.2 Special Permit: Zoning Board of Appeals of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to operate a Medical Clinic at 73 LAFAYETTE STREET.


  1. Location:      56 Jefferson Avenue (Map 24, Lot 91) (R1 Zoning District)
  2. Jodie Fenton

Description: A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of JODIE FENTON for a special permit per section 3.3.3 Nonconforming Structures of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to demolish a nonconforming three-story three-family home and detached garage, and reconstruct a nonconforming three-story three-family home at 56 JEFFERSON AVENUE.


  1. Location:      21 Willow Avenue (Map 33, Lot 621) (R1 Zoning District)

Description: A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of JJC GENERAL CONTRACTING INC. for a special permit per Section 3.3.5 Nonconforming Single- and Two-Family Residential Structures of the Salem Zoning ordinance to expand a nonconforming two-family structure by adding two exterior stairways and a second-floor rear deck at 21 WILLOW AVENUE.


  1. Location:       44 Butler Street (Map 16, Lot 117) (R2 Zoning District)

Description: A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of ELTON CELA and ERXHINA TAFA for a special permit per Section 3.3.5 Nonconforming Single- and Two-Family Residential Structures of the Salem Zoning Ordinance from minimum lot area per dwelling unit, minimum width of side yard, and minimum depth of front yard to alter and expand a nonconforming single-family home by relocating the building entrance; expanding the existing first-floor deck; adding a second-floor deck over the existing first-floor deck; adding an asphalt driveway to the rear of the structure; and changing the use from single-family to two-family residential dwelling at 44 BUTLER STREET.


  1. Location:      9 Franklin Street (Map 26, Lot 375) (B1 and R2 Zoning Districts)
  2. David Cutler

Description: A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of DAVID CUTLER for a variance per Section 4.1.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements from maximum height of buildings (stories) to construct new three-story multifamily residential structures at 9 FRANKLIN STREET.


  1. Location:      4 Technology Way (Map 7, Lot 87) (BPD Zoning District)
  2.      Prime Tree LLC

Description: A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of Prime Tree LLC for a special permit per Sections 6.10.4, 6.10.9 Requirements Specific to Cultivation Facilities, and 6.10.10 Requirements Specific to Manufacturing Facilities of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to operate a licensed marijuana cultivation and manufacturing facility at 4 TECHNOLOGY WAY.




  1. April 21, 2021
  2. May 19, 2021




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