Zoning Board of Appeals - 3-5 Pleasant Street

City of Salem
Zoning Board of Appeals

Will hold a public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of JUNIPER POINT INVESTMENT CO LLC for a special permit per Section 3.3.2 Nonconforming Uses of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to change from one nonconforming use (music school) to another nonconforming use (business or professional offices) at 3-5 PLEASANT STREET (Map 36, Lot 432) (R2 and ECOD Zoning Districts). The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 6:30 PM, 98 Washington Street, 1st floor.

Salem News publication dates: 11/6/19 & 11/13/19

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A Sections 18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.