
City of Salem's Climate Change Assessment & Adaptation Plan

RESILIENCY- The ability of sectors to accommodate climate change impacts and stresses with minimal potential damage or cost. It is the ability for human systems to survive and recover quickly from climate change impacts and risk factors.

Salem understands how important resiliency is when thinking about the future of our City and planet. Through our Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Plan we assessed 4 very concerning issues caused by climate change and the potential implications they have for our coastal City.

  • Sea level rise
  • Extreme precipitation
  • Heat waves
  • Storm surge

We have been designated as a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Community by the State and this will aid Salem in becoming more resilient to the projected impacts from climate change listed above.  

Use the links below to see what sea level and storm sruge projections are for Salem in the future. Both of these projections are intially set at a 2 ft rise from current sea levels.