Abutter's List

Abutters List Requests

 Who / what are Abutters?

Abutters are property owners immediately adjacent to or within a specified radius of any given property.

What is a Certified Abutters List?

A Certified Abutters List is a current list of abutters located within specified distance from a specific property as required by local bylaw or Massachusetts General Law. This list is used to notify these abutters of a future meeting / hearing to be held by a various elected Boards or Commissions regarding that property.

Why do I need to get a Certified Abutters List?

Many times when going before different boards and commissions such as Planning, Conservation or Zoning Board of Appeal, the governing board may require abutters to be notified of a possible change on the subject property in accordance with MA General Laws and the town’s local by-laws.

A Certified Abutters List is needed whenever public hearings require individual notice to interested parties. Abutters are notified two times: 1) public hearing notice to inform them of the date, time, place and subject matter of the application and 2) a notice of decision after the a decision has been made / filed and also includes information on how to appeal decision. Each municipality has requirements that differ dependent upon the specific petition. Typically, owners within 300 feet of the petitioner’s property lines must be notified. The list is certified by the Assessors’ Office. The Assessors’ Office has up to 10 days to complete the list.

An Abutters List shall include all parties in interest and their addresses, as set forth in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Sub-Section 11, consisting of persons who are owners of land immediately abutting the identified property, owners directly opposite said property on any street or way, abutters to abutters within (see criteria below) feet of the said property, and/or parties in interest, all as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list.

Board of SubmissionCriteria
Board of HealthImmediate Abutters
Conservation Commission100 Feet
Curb CutImmediate Abutters
Historic District Commission 75 Feet
Licensing Board75 Feet
Liquor LicenseImmediate Abutters (include Schools & Churches within 500 Feet)
Outdoor Seating150 Feet
Planning Board300 Feet
Utility Pole & Conduits Immediate Abutters
Zoning Board of Appeals300 Feet



The following information is required to complete your request (see PDF Form attachment below):

  • Starting Location Address
  • Distance needed from starting address
  • Date when needed
  • Contact information (email and telephone number)

Please submitt abutters list request 10 days in advance of when you need it returned. Abutters requests should be made to Gloria Felix at Gfelix@salem.com

If you have any questions please contact the Assessing Department at (978)619-5608

PDF icon Abutters Request Form175.81 KB