Abandoned & Foreclosed Property Registration and Deregistration

Exterior shot of empty house with overgrown front lawn.

All Abandoned & Foreclosed Property Registrations are now done online. 


Please go to salemma.viewpointcloud.com to access the online applications and select Inspectional Services to access the online application.

To apply online you will need an email address and set-up a password (please save your password as you will need to access the permit or future applications). If you think you may have completed an online application in a community outside of Salem, please try logging in first.

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If you are experiencing difficulties in completing the application online, please call the Inspectional Services office for assistance at 978-619-5642. Either we can talk you through the process or you can come into our office and we will show you how to complete the online application and upload any required documents.

Payment can be made online either by credit card or e-check, or a check payable to the City of Salem can be mailed to our office at: City of Salem, Inspectional Services, 98 Washington Street, 2nd Floor, Salem, MA 01970