Ocean Avenue West Pump Station

Ocean Ave West Pump Station

This project is a continuation of the 2007 South River Drainage Improvement Projects Planning Study, which addresses the low-lying areas of Jefferson Avenue, Canal Street, and Geneva Street. Funding has been secured through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program for the preliminary design of the pump station.

The goal of the project is to provide storm drain upgrades and resiliency measures to mitigate flooding. During the first public meeting on April 21, 2020 (link to slides below), the project team shared background information, including details about the grant obtained for preliminary design, the design goals, and progress to date.  At that meeting the City requested feedback and questions related to the stormwater pump station project. 

At the second public meeting on May 27, 2020 (link to recording and slides below), the project team provided details about the evaluation to date, including findings from the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling.  The modeling results were used to develop scenarios for flood mitigation in the area including pump station improvements as well as infrastructure upgrades. 

The Preliminary Design Report for this project is due on June 30, 2020.


Project Updates

  1. May 27th 2020
  2. May 14th 2020
  3. April 21st 2020