Parking ticket appeals process changing July 1st

Appeal parking tickets by email within 21 days

Starting July 1, 2022, the process to appeal a parking ticket in the City of Salem will be changing. In-person appeals to the hearing officer at City Hall will no longer take place after July 1st. Below please find details about how to appeal a parking ticket in Salem starting on July 1, 2022:

APPEAL PROCESS: Appeal must be requested within 21 days. Once the appeal is received the city has 21 days to respond. Appeal by e-mailing If you do not have access to email, appeals can be mailed or dropped off in person to: Parking Department, 1 New Liberty Street, Salem MA 01970.

WARNING: Per state law, failing to appeal a ticket within 21 days after the date of violation will increase the fine and may result in the state rejecting renewal of the license to drive and the registration of the registered owner.

BROKEN METERS: Must be reported for confirmation within 24 hours. Call 978-745-8120.

PROCESO DE APELOS: Debe solicitar un apelo entre 21 días. Cuando la solicitud ha sido recibido, la ciudad tiene 21 días para responder. Para apelar, contacte Si no tiene acceso a correo electrónico, apelaciones pueden ser mandado por correo o dejado en persona en: El departamento de Estacionamiento, 1 New Liberty Street, Salem MA 01970.

ADVERTENCIA: Debido al ley estatal, un falto de apelar entre 21 días después de la violación puede resultar en un aumento en la multa y el estado rechazando la renovación de la licencia y la registración del carro.

PARQUÍMETROS ROTOS: Deben ser reportados para confirmación entre 24 horas. Llama 978-745-8120.